Home and On The Go | $2900
20 Day Dog Board and Train Camp for dog’s 16 weeks and up.
This program covers obedience training plus off leash control.
Great if you’re looking for:
- Leash help around distractions
- Calling your dog from distractions
- Help with over excitement
- A complete Life Skills education for your dog
What We Practice:
- Leash manners and walking at your side
- Getting attention
- Come when called (around distractions)
- Go to a Place
- Not jumping
- Not nipping
- Drop items when told
- Doorway manners
- Slow forward movement
- Sit and Stay
- Lie down and Stay
Camp Includes:
- 20 day camp at our facility
- Lesson with you at the end of camp
- 2 follow up private lessons
- Dogtra remote training ecollar
- Other training equipment deemed needed