Accelerate Your Dog’s Training Today!
Basic Home Manners | $1600
10 Day Board and Train Camp for dogs 16 weeks and up.
Help for your dog around the house. Control doorways. Stop jumping. Get your dog’s attention. And More..
Check out our Board and Train Camps FAQ page for the answers to the most commonly asked questions. Click Here
Basic Home Manners Includes:
- Loose leash walking
- Getting attention (to follow or away from things)
- Come when called (around the house)
- Go to a Place
- Not jumping
- Not nipping
- Drop items when told
- Doorway manners
Camp Includes:
- 10 day camp boarding at our facility
- Lesson with you at the end of Camp
- 2 Private follow up lessons
- Dogtra remote training ecollar
Place training gives your dog a spot to relax.