Board and Train Boot Camps

Camps for dogs 16 weeks and up.
Accerlate your dog’s training with our Board and Train Camps.
Your dog will receive 2 dedicated lessons each day with one of our trainers plus training as we go out for potty breaks or free time.
At the end of your dog’s stay you will go through a lesson with us to show you what your dog has worked on and how to continue working towards success. We will also discuss ways to help you add structure, new rules, and answer any questions.
Included in your camp is 2 free private follow up lessons at our facility (1) 1-4 weeks after the go home lesson and (1) within 6 months of your go home lesson.
Check out our Board and Train Camps FAQ page for the answers to the most commonly asked questions. Click Here
5 Day’s Starter Camp
- Get your dog’s attention
- Stop jumping
- Stop nipping
- Doorway manners
Camp Includes:
- 5 Day Board and Train
- Lesson with you at the end of camp
- Opportunity to add more training later
- Dogtra remote training collar
Cost: $850
Basic Home Manners
- Loose leash walking
- Getting attention
- Come when called (around the house)
- Go to a Place
- Not jumping
- Not nipping
- Drop items when told
- Doorway manners
Camp Includes:
- 10 day camp boarding at our facility
- Lesson with you at the end of Camp
- 2 Private follow up lessons
- Dogtra remote training ecollar
Cost: $1600
Home and On The Go
- Leash manners and walking at your side
- Getting attention
- Come when called (around distractions)
- Go to a Place
- Not jumping
- Not nipping
- Drop items when told
- Doorway manners
- Slow forward movement
- Sit and Stay
- Lie down and Stay
Camp Includes:
- 20 day camp at our facility
- Lesson with you at the end of camp
- 2 follow up private lessons
- Dogtra remote training ecollar
- Other training equipment deemed needed
Cost: $2900