Refresher Camps and Further Education
Sometimes dogs need to brush up on their training. Or maybe you’re looking to add more training to your dog’s education. Either way, we offer a variety of training camps to help.
General Refresh Camp – $525
5 Day Board and Train to brush up on previous training or problem areas.
Home Manners to Home and On the Go Upgrade – $1050
This camp is for dog’s that have completed the Home Manners Camp. Take your 10 day training camp to a 20 day training camp skills. We add Sit Stays, Lie Down and Stay, Come when called with distractions, and more.
Puppy Refresher or Upgrade
After completing your 10 Day Puppy Head Start you can choose from these camps…
5 Day Refresher:
Brush up on previous training. $495
10 Day Refresher:
Brush up on previous training and concentrate on problem areas. $1000
15 Day Upgrade:
Adds distraction training, duration stays, off leash work, and problem solving. $1485